Norman B. Mendoza, PhD

RGC Postdoctoral Fellow


Awards and fellowships

2022-2025 RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme
36-month funding with a total stipend support of HKD1,219,650
Awarded by: Hong Kong SAR University Grants Committee 
2022 Postgraduate Students Publication Awards Scheme [3 first-author papers]
Awarded by: Graduate School, Education University of Hong Kong 
Awarded on 13 October 2022, Hong Kong SAR, China
2019-2023 Recipient of the Hong Kong Belt and Road Scholarship (Research Postgraduate)
“Full tuition fee support for the duration of the PhD programme (4 years; HKD HK$168,400)”
Awarded by: Hong Kong SAR Government Scholarship Fund 
Awarded on 29th of April 2020, Hong Kong SAR, China
2021 Champion of the 3MT® Three Minute Thesis Competition
Awarded by: Graduate School, Education University of Hong Kong 
Awarded on 14 August 2021, Hong Kong SAR, China
 2021 Postgraduate Students Publication Awards Scheme [3 first-author papers]
Awarded by: Graduate School, Education University of Hong Kong 
Awarded on 14 August 2021, Hong Kong SAR, China 
2017 Student Development Award
“Best paper on stress, anxiety, and coping in theory, practice or research written by a graduate student.”
Awarded by: Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR) 
Awarded on 5-7 of July 2017, Hong Kong SAR, China